Call: (270) 932-5000


We offer a wide variety of small and large animal services.

Our Technology

Diagnostic imagining includes digital radiography and ultrasonagraphy. Digital radiology gives our practice the ability to diagnose conditions within seconds, allowing us to treat conditions faster and more effectively.

Traditional film xrays required a technician to spend a considerable amount of time carefully positioning the x-ray machine and the pet to get just the right view of the area to be diagnosed. The x-ray films were then sent through a processing machine. A light box was necessary to view the films and we had only the naked eye to examine them. If the patient moved, the settings were incorrect, the chemical ratio was wrong or perhaps, the x-ray had to be repeated and the whole process began again. Exposing the pet to further radiation and taking up valuable time.

With our digital radiography this process is streamlined. This means if the patient moves, we immediately can retake the x-ray right then and there. We are also able to send the films digitally via email to specialist for consultations. In house laboratory services enable faster treatment of sick and hospitalized patients. CBC, Chemistry, thyroid, phenobarbitol and progesterone level testing are all done in house with results available in minutes.

Sedivue technology uses facial recognition microscopy to analyze urine for bacteria, crystals, blood, and other abnormalities to help enhance and monitor treatment of urinary tract infections.

Dental and surgical procedures include: routine dental cleanings and extractions, spay, neuter, soft tissue and basic orthopedic repair. Extensive surgical cases are referred to boarded specialist at our closest referral centers in Louisville or Lexington.

Endoscopy - Our flexible endoscopy system is ideal for foreign body removal, rhinoscopy, cystoscopy and biopsies. It offers a less invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures.

We also offer Bovie electrocautery. Bovie cautery is a surgical procedure performed with the use of a “bovie," a medical device that cuts and seals, or cauterizes, tissues and blood vessels by way of a direct electrical current. A scapel is not used.

Animal Boarding 

Boarding is available for both dog and cat patients as well as exotic and pocket pets. (Cages may need to be provided for exotics depending upon type of cage/husbandry needed). We do have separate boarding areas for dogs and cats. All patients are required to be current on vaccinations and parasite prevention. All patients are kept indoors.

Emergency Vet Care 

Emergency services are available for current clients. Current clients are deemed as those who have been seen within the past 12 months. We partner with GuardianVets to offer after hours triage.


All Payments are due at the time services are provided. We do not offer any form of inhouse payment plans. We do however work with both Scratchpay and CareCredit. We accept cash, check, and all major credit cards. 

Nurse Appointments

We utilize the knowledge and skills of our highly trained and licensed Nurses to offer consultations on a wide variety of topics including nutrition, allergies, ear care. You can also schedule an appointment with our Nurse for basic procedures such as ear cleanings, nail trims, and anal gland expressions.

We offer the following health services for pets of all ages, breeds and circumstances, including: Allergy Testing & Consultations:

• Anesthesia: We have the facilities, equipment, medicine and knowledge to ensure your dog stays as safe as possible while under anesthesia Boarding: We can help ease your mind that your pet is well taken care of while you are away.

• Dental Care: A long healthy life starts with a good mouth. We can help prevent and treat your pet's dental conditions, including periodontal disease Diagnostic Imaging: Diagnostic imaging allows us to diagnose illness, disease and other problems in order to prescribe the proper treatment

• Emergency Care: We offer emergency services for current clients.

• Flea & Tick: We provide a wide range of products and can chose the best for your pet's lifestyle.

• Grooming: We offer grooming services for both dogs and cats.

• Heartworm Prevention: We specialize in heartworm education and medical prevention, as well as treatment for your dog. We also offer Proheart 6 & 12. An injectable heartworm prevention.

• Laboratory Tests: Our in-house laboratory testing services mean faster and more accurate diagnostics or treatment for your pet.

• Microchip ID: Our professional microchip ID services can help identify your pet in the event he or she ever gets separated from you. The fee you pay is a one-time fee with no need with yearly renewal.

• Nutrition: We offer in house prescription diets to help with your pet's various medical conditions.

• Pain Management: We specialize in customized, effective and compassionate pain management for your dog regardless of age, ability or condition.

• Parasite Prevention and Treatment: Protocols can be customized to your pet's lifestyle. Parasite prevention is not “one product fits all.”

• Preventive Care: Our comprehensive preventive care program helps you make sure your pet remains healthy and well year round Puppy/kitten Care: We will partner with you to make sure your puppy/kitten has the best care and you have all the information our need to care for your new family member

• Senior Care: Our comprehensive senior care protocols and procedures helps you to help your senior pet age gracefully, healthily and happily

• Surgery: Our facilities and staff provide your pet with best care possible both prior, during, and after their procedure. • Vaccinations: We will customize vaccination protocols that account for your pet's age, medical history, environment, travel habits and lifestyle. Not every pet needs every vaccination 

• Digits radiology: We have in house diagnostic laboratory capabilities that range from chemistry and hematology analyzers to urinalysis machines, ultrasound and digital radiology.

• Boarding: Our boarding is all indoors and offers a wide variety of options for various sized pets. Dogs are walked outside 3 times daily. We also offer weekend dropoff and pickup times.